Saturday, January 3, 2009

Grannys and Nukes

Just this morning, while going shopping for trash bags with my great-grandma, I realised something very, very important.

Great-grandmas are like nukes!

Why? Well, there are quite a number of ways in which they are similar to each other. In fact, off the top of my head, I can think of several. Yup.

1. If you have one of them, you will receive international attention from anyone and everyone. International attention increases exponentially if you have increasing numbers of both.

2. Both of them require utmost attention - they are, after all, very very important to you. If you don't take care of them, then people will come running to you to ask you cease ownership of said item/person and give it to them, whether or not they are terrorists, U.N. Peacekeepers, or Old Folks Home representatives.

3. If you leave them lying around here and there, diplomats, U.N. Peacekeepers, grandparents and parents will be all over you.

4. And of course, if you drop either of them, you're quite screwed.

Okay, I'm bored now. Gotta go continue writing.

Hang on, I think there's a U.N. Peacekeeper outside my window.

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