Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nubbynub Club Recruitment Drive

Hello there! This particular post is a special one, as it concerns a matter that is very close to my heart! This is a recruitment drive for the Nubbynub Club, a special-interest group specially created for nubbynubs who find that they're bored of being nubs, and have decides to become kewl nubs.

So, without much further ado, let's learn more about the club!

Founder: Junyi

It is not especially certain when the Nubbynub Club was formed, but it is generally agreed upon that it was formed this year by a particularly "win" individual known as Junyi. Having a achieved a score of "FUCKWIN" on his DYWAL Tests*, Junyi was particularly driven to create the Nubbynub Club due to his passion to create a large community for people to troll, rather than having to waste time trolling every single nub one at a time. So next time you have the privilege of meeting this eminent man, please shake his hand and thank him for helping the community.

President: Jonny Voo

A failed ninja who still retains some semblance of his ninja prowess (seeing as he managed to get elected as President without even running for the Exco), Jonny is the president of the Nubbynub Club, and even though he has no idea why, still persists in his duty even though he is not sure what it entails. This is perhaps one of the reasons why Jonny was elected to the position of President: he still works hard at his task despite having no idea what his task is! A truly exemplary model of a Nubbynub.

Vice-President: DNeo

To be honest, it was a close run between DNeo and Jonny for the role of President - it was only because DNeo failed to turn up on the election date that Jonny was eventually elected President. This, of course, has generated much controversy within the ranks of the club, as some say that the fact that DNeo didn't turn up for the election should have automatically granted him the Presidency, but the protests didn't last long (since no one was protesting), and DNeo was unanimously elected as Vice President. As with all Vice-Presidents, DNeo's total contribution to the club has been zero.

Honourary Member: Winnie

Winnie was officially inducted into the club not very long ago. It is uncertain as to what exactly separates an Honourary Member from a normal Member, but I have a feeling that Members actually know that the club exists. Since Winnie was drafted in without his consent, it is unlikely that he knows of his prestigious position in our club, but we are sure that he will be delighted to know that all three members of the club respect him.

Secretary: Yanting

Yanting was the first member of the club that was recruited into the club who was not present at the founders meeting. Specially requested by the President of the club to join, she is the only girl in the club (although that fact would be disputed by founder Junyi) and has served diligently as the secretary for the past 2 days. She is also to be honoured for coming up with a short, succinct vision for the club: Blur. 


Treasurer: This role is one that requires a lot of resposibility and good accounting (ie, you need a calculator). However, as the Nubbynub Club is one of the few clubs that do not collect money from its members, the Treasurer's only task is to handle the accounts whenever the Club is sued by random companies for illegally downloading music, anime, movies, and other stuff.

Welfare: The role of Welfare is to be able to create a comfortable, safe and inviting environment for the nubs to lounge around in. In other words, the role of Welfare is to live in a nice house, located in a nice place so that others can come and crash whenever they want to. They should preferably also have access to canned drinks and cookies.

Teacher-In-Charge: A very important position in the hierarchy, as without a teacher-in-charge, the Club will not be able to hold activities in the school. This will not only prevent us from holding camps in school, but there will be no serious repercussions if we are caught breaking the rules, which is a truly unacceptable position - you are not a nub if you can avoid breaking the rules. Preferably, the teacher should not know the club exists.

Members: There are not entry requirements for the Nubbynub Club. In fact, it is more likely that you wil be entered into the Nubbynub Club if you have no achievements, as that already boosts your Nubbynub status sky high. However, to see if you are ready to join the Nubbynub Club, my suggestion would be to take the DYWAL Test to see how much you win/fail at life. After getting some advice for our founder, Mr Junyi, your application will be considered. On the other hand, if you are personally invited by our President, please do not hesitate to join.

So, if you seek to join the Nubbynub Club, please drop me an email at, and we will be glad to process your information, and will get back to you as soon as possible! If you have problems contacting us, remember our motto: If you can't mail it, fail it. 

Thank you!

*For more information on the DYWAL (Do you win at Life?) Tests, please contact the test administrator, Mr Junyi, and he will arrange a interview for you.

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