Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dream Machine

Fret not! This isn't one of those long, long, LONG posts about my story ideas. Nope, this post is about creating them, and how I manage to think up my own ideas easily. Of course, this doesn't mean that the ideas are good, and there has been many a time when I've thrown away ideas 'cos they were pretty crappy. But heck, at least making them quickly is fun and relatively painless. =)

Let's see's actually pretty hard to explain how I can create these ideas, just as it's hard for Jarrel to explain to us how he can do those stupid integration problems by intuition. Nevertheless, I shall try my best to figure out how I do it!

1. Dreams

Well, this is something that everyone can do, because it's pretty easy. I mean, everyone has dreams, right? (Shaddup Dneo, I know you don't sleep) Well, make use of them! Here are several kinds of dreams that you can get:

a. Crazy Dreams - dreams that make no sense, no matter how you look at it. In actual fact, all dreams come under this category, but for classification's sake, these are the crazier dreams. Crazy Dream Alpha, that kinda thing.

Example: The one with the aliens turning into flowers when you pour water on their toes. That dream also included a Wookiee, Manta Rays and Skyscrapers with manholes in them.

b. Chasing Dreams - dreams that often involving someone (or something) chasing someone else (generally yourself), around and around. These dreams often involve some crazily imbalanced beast of destruction and cement on the floor wherever you're standing. Of course, these conditions might change occasionally. Personally, whenever I'm chased, it feels like I'm running in water.

Example: The one where I was being chased by 23 Octupii with throwing knives.

c. Epic Dreams - dreams that are so damned epic, they make for ridiculously epic stories. And when I say ridiculously epic, I mean RIDICULOUSLY EPIC. These dreams are often so epic, mind-boggling, and reason-kicking-to-the-curbing, that they make for good short stories, but are bad for long ones.

Example: The one where I was a fighting game character and...well, you'll have to come to me for details, it's too epic to explain here.

d. Action Dreams - dreams that involve a scene that is incredibly realistic, and not too over the top. These dreams are rare, but when they do come across, they're pretty valuable, and the great thing is that they don't even need to be a series of events, just a scene will do sometimes! Having a series of events is okay, of course, but having a longing viewing time also increases the chances of something becoming damn screwed up.

Example: The one where there were giant starships hovering about the Egyptian Pyramids and strange constructions/zombies running all over the place. Okay, so it's not very realistic, but still, it's more realistic than some of the other dreams I've had (see above) and well...sounds like it'll be fun!

So, yup, dreams are a pretty good way of helping you come up with random ideas like stories or scenes. And it's also very entertaining to remember your dreams and all the people in them. Just this morning, I had a really wacky dream involving several strange personages, including some random guy called Julian, a powerboat chase, worm farms and chainsaws.

And...okay, I realise I have to stop writing for now, or else this post will get too long! Tune in another time for information on the source of my randomness! =P

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