So exams have finally ended! Hooray~
I swear, that was one heck of a roller-coaster ride - pretty fun, yet pretty vomit inducing as well. I mean seriously, there were some golden moments which were laugh out loud hilarious, and some holy-freaking-shit moments - it was pretty hair-raising at some points. One thing I can say for sure, though - it was not good for my heart. At all. Jeez.
Still, there were a couple of moments that I clearly remember, such as:
1. 3-5 DNPH and Specific Heat Capacity being J per kg per mol.
2. Praying during the Math exam, especially during the graph question.
3. Panicking on the day before Math Paper 2, when I was making mistakes like 4 + 2 + 1 = 9
4. Losing my head over English Paper 1.
5. Drooling over my English Paper 1.
6. Losing my head over Geography
7. Accurately predicting every single question except for the topic that I was best at for Geography. (I swear it's a miracle)
8. Freaking out because I misread and careless'd my way to a near 6 for Physics
9. Doing Math Paper 3 without thinking
Well, all in all, this is kind of a meh post, just getting all the obligatory "this is how I felt about the exams and shit, you know, because you all actually care" - soon, I SHALL BE BACK WITH MORE INTERESTING STUFF.

Like Starcraft! Hell yeah, shit is finally starting to happen! got updated, and my gosh, the new Battlecruiser artwork is UNBELIEVABLE. As per Cherilyn, it looks like a freaking Star Destroyer now! Can you tell how much I'm drooling over this? Can you? Can you?
Anyway, I think this particular baby is the Hyperion, Jim Raynor's flagship, equipped with Plasma Torpedoes, the Yamato Cannon and the on-board Defensive Matrix, not to mention that upgrade which grants it rapid fire AtG lasers. Still think it'd be vulnerable to Vikings, Void Rays and all that jazz though. Oh well, it looks bloody cool still, and I think everyone else would just die by looking at it. Yep, that's right!
On a related and yet not-so-related note, the MSL and the OSL groups have been finalized, with really interesting matches coming up. The MSL looks by far the more interesting competition, although the OSL has more tradition behind it - can't really think of a proper sports analogy, but it'll come to me eventually. But hell yeah, both groups look to have some epic games coming up! Stork vs. Flash, Bisu vs. Savior - AND HOLY SHIT, THIS WEEK'S PROLEAGUE EVEN HAS BOXER VS. YELLOW! I SENSE A SET-UP!
Well, enough of that incomprehensible stuff. I think I shall probably go to sleep now or something - tomorrow is going to be a really busy day, especially with all the cleaning up to do. Gawd, why do I have to do so much cleaning up~~ It be a plague, a plague I say! Upon the innocent, unspoilt mind of a creative child~ Oh, the humanity!
Ah well...not like that beautiful mind is being used on any useful endeavors. Not yet, anyway.